tailieunhanh - Oral Health among Iranian Preadolescents: A School-Based Health Education Intervention

Led by the Pediatric Residency Director, Susan Guralnick, MD, Stony Brook first began implementing PPHE by enlisting the assistance of faculty members from both the departments of pediatrics and family medicine. Dr. Guralnick and Dr. Jaffe of Family Medicine arranged for both pediatric and family medicine meeting and conference days to take place at the same time. The faculty introduced the program to residents during these coordinated times. The project coordinator prepared and distributed a manual and CD that included the history, mission and goals of the project, schedules and timelines, and required pre/post tests and evaluations. The coordinator. | Department of Oral Public Health Institute of Dentistry Faculty of Medicine University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland Oral Health among Iranian Preadolescents A School-Based Health Education Intervention Zahra Saied-Moallemi Academic dissertation To be presented with the permission of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Helsinki for public discussion in the main auditorium of the Institute of Dentistry Mannerheimintie 172 Helsinki on 8 October 2010 at 12 noon. Helsinki 2010 Supervised by Professor Heikki Murtomaa DDS PhD MPH Head of Department of Oral Public Health Institute of Dentistry Faculty of Medicine University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland and Adjunct Professor Jorma Virtanen DDS PhD MSc Department of Public Health Faculty of Medicine University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland Statistical supervision by Professor Lauri Tarkkonen PhD Department of Mathematics and Statistics Faculty of Science University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland Reviewed by Professor Anne Nordrehaug Ảstrõm DDS PhD Department of Clinical Dentistry Community Dentistry Faculty of Medicine and Odontology University of Bergen Bergen Norway and Associate Professor Sisko Honkala DDS PhD MSc Department of Developmental and Preventive Sciences Faculty of Dentistry Health Sciences Centre Kuwait University Jabriya Kuwait Opponent Adjunct Professor Carina Kãllestảl DDS PhD Department of Women s and Children s Health International Maternal and Child Health Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden ISBN 978-952-92-7966-1 paperback ISBN 978-952-10-6460-9 PDf Yliopistopaino 2010 Electronic version available at http 2 In the name of Him who created and sustains the world He knoweth of the things that exist not of secrets that are untold The two worlds are as a drop of water in the ocean of His knowledge. Saadi Iranian poet 13th Century 3 Sun of My Lf