tailieunhanh - Adobe Flex 4 Training from the Source Volume 1 phần 2

được sử dụng trong da thành phần, hoặc ở những nơi khác trong ứng dụng, bạn có thể sử dụng các phương pháp sau đây: 1. Mở tập tin dự án ban đầu (FXP) trong Flash Catalyst. Sử dụng cùng một tập tin mà bạn nhập khẩu ban đầu thành Flash Builder. 2. Sử dụng Save | Running Your Application 27 Running Your Application In the first exercise you created your project and an application page. Before you had a chance to run the application the second exercise took you on a tour of the Flash Builder workbench. You will now get back to your application. You will run it add code to it and learn the basics of file manipulation. 1 Open the Project menu. Be sure the Build Automatically option has a checkmark in front of it. Project Data Run Window Help ự Build Automatically HjjBuidAll Ctrl B Buid Project Build Working Set dean. 4 Export Release Build. Properties When Build Automatically is selected Flex continuously checks for saved files compiles them upon saving and prepares them to run. Even before you run your application syntax errors are flagged which does not occur if Build Automatically is not selected. Q TIP As your applications grow more complex you might find that having this setting selected takes too much time in which case you should deselect the setting. The build will happen only when you run your application or you specifically choose Build Project from the menu. 2 Run your application by clicking the Run button. You will not see anything in the browser window when it opens. Run FlexGrocer tip You have now run your first Flex application and it wasn t that interesting. In this case the skeleton application contained no tags to display anything in the browser. But you did see the application run and you saw the default browser open and display the results uninteresting as it was. Download from 28 I LESSON 2 Getting Started NOTE What exactly happened when you clicked the Run button A number of processes occurred. First the MXML tags in the application file were translated to ActionScript. ActionScript was then used to generate a SWF file which is the format Flash Player understands. The SWF file was then sent to Flash Player in the browser. MXML I Actionscript I SWF 3 .