tailieunhanh - Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học " FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE, VIETNAM/AAHL CARD PROJECT "

Phát triển năng lực cải thiện hỗ trợ an toàn sinh học quốc gia về giám sát và kiểm soát bệnh chân - miệng ở bò và lợn | 6 29 10 i Seventh. Meeting ofthe Lower Mekong Working Group for Foot and Mouth Disease and Animal Movement Management Pakse Lao PDR 6-7 November 2008 FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE VIETNAM AAHL CARD PROJECT C. Morrissy1 Ngo Thanh Long2 L. Wright1 Dong Manh Hoa2 Pham Phong Vu2 Nguyen Thanh Phong2 Ly Hoai Vu2 I. Pritchard1 S. Riddell1 D. Schafer1 D. Eagles1 W. Ha1 W. Goff1 J. Hammond3 S. Juzva1 M. Johnson1 and P. Daniels1. 1CSIRO Livestock Industries Australian Animal Health Laboratory AAHL Geelong Victoria Australia. 2Regional Animal Health Office No. 6 Ho Chi Minh City rAHo6-hCmC South Vietnam. c 5 I R o Institute for Animal Health Pirbright Laboratory Ash Road Pirbright Woking Surrey United Kingdom. FMb AAHL bAH CARb AusAIb PROJECT 072 04VIE Collaboration between Department of Animal Health DAH Vietnam and CSIRO Livestock Industries Australian Animal Health Laboratory AAHL Geelong Australia Collaboration for Agriculture and Rural Development CARD Program Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development MARD Vietnam Australian Government AusAID Project Leaders Dr. Dong Manh Hoa Chris Morrissy FMb AAHƯbAH CARb AusAIb PROJECT 072 04VIE Development of an Improved Capability in support of National Biosecurity for the Surveillance and Control of Foot Mouth Disease in Cattle and Pigs. Project Objectives Two Main Objectives Improve Laboratory Capacity For Diagnosis Of FMD Serology Sero-typing and Geno-tpying ELISA Cell culture PCR Sequencing Quality Assurance Improved Bio-safety Workflow Sample collection Disease Investigation and Diagnosis Field Activities Application of Diagnostics Serosurveillance Epidemiology Sample collection Data collection Disease Investigation and Diagnosis 1 6 29 10 Location of Provinces Laboratories in Project Project Outline Geography of the project 1. LANG SON 2. QUANG NINH 3. QUANG NAM 4. KONTUM 5. BINH PHUOC 6. TAY NINH 7. LONG AN 8. DONG THAP 9. AN GIANG 10. KIEN GIANG Setup pilot zones for effective vaccine application surveillance strategies 10 .