Mở AI , sau đó lưu nó như là đường thẳng. 2. Bấm vào công cụ Zoom, sau đó vị trí của nó ở góc trên bên trái bản vẽ. 3. Nhấp và kéo một hộp lựa chọn bao gồm toàn bộ phần màu vàng, như thể hiện trong hình 3. Các khu vực trong hộp lựa chọn là phóng đại. 4. Bấm vào View trên thanh menu, sau đó nhấp vào Xem bài viết mới. 5. Tên màu vàng nhìn mới, sau đó nhấn OK. | Create new views 1. Open AI then save it as Straight Lines. 2. Click the Zoom Tool then position it at the upper-left corner of the artboard. 3. Click and drag a selection box that encompasses the entire yellow section as shown in Figure 3. The area within the selection box is now magnified. 4. Click View on the menu bar then click New View. 5. Name the new view yellow then click OK. 6. Press and hold Spacebar to access the Hand Tool then drag the artboard upward until you have a view of the entire pink area. 7. Create a new view of the pink area and name it pink. TIP If you need to adjust your view you can quickly switch to a view of the entire artboard by pressing Ctrl 0 Win or 0 Mac then create a new selection box with the Zoom Tool. 8. Create a new view of the green area named mint. 9. Click View on the menu bar then click yellow at the bottom of the menu. The Illustrator window changes to the yellow view. TIP You can change the name of a view by clicking View on the menu bar then clicking Edit Views. You used the Zoom Tool to magnify an area of the artboard. You then named and saved the new view of the artboard. You named and saved two other views. FIGURE 3 Drag the Zoom Tool to select what will be magnified start 3 2 4 Start Selection box ILLUSTRATOR 3-6 Drawing and Composing an Illustration FIGURE 4 Four anchor points and three segments FIGURE 5 Click the path with the Pen Tool to add a new point Add Anchor Point Tool FIGURE 6 Move an anchor point with the Direct Selection Tool Draw straight lines 1. Verify that you are still inthe yellow view then click the Pen Tool . 2. Set the fill color to None the stroke color to Black and the stroke weight to 1 pt. 3. Using Figure 4 as a reference click position 1 start . 4. Click position 2 then notice the segment that is automatically drawn between the two anchor points. 5. Click position 3 then click position 4. TIP If you become disconnected from the current path you are drawing undo your last step then .
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