tailieunhanh - Báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học: Developing an Agricultural Research and Development Priority Framework for Vietnam (December 2006)

cá biển 1 ARDO ĐỊNH NGHĨA . Quốc gia Mục tiêu: Để tăng quy mô sản xuất bền vững và chất lượng của cá biển, bao gồm cả sự phát triển của giống đáng tin cậy và nguồn cung cấp cá giống và cá có giá trị cao. Mục tiêu của Bộ Thuỷ sản cho năm 2010 là tấn cá biển với giá trị thị trường 4 tỷ USD | Developing an Agricultural Research and Development Priority Framework for Vietnam Fisheries Sub-Sector Workshop Data and Information Sheets Areas of Research Development Opportunity ARDOs ARDO 1 Marine Finfish ARDO 2 Cold Water Fish ARDO 3 Crustaceans ARDO 4 Mollusks ARDO 5 Fresh Water Fish ARDO 6 Post Harvest Processing Value Adding ARDO 7 Extraction of Bio-Active Compounds ARDO 8 Resource Management Conservation ARDO 9 Mechanisation December 2006 1 ARDO 1 MARINE FINFISH 1 ARDO DEFINITION . National Goal To increase the scale of sustainable production and quality of marine finfish including the development of reliable seed stock and fingerling supplies and high value fish. The MOFI target for 2010 is 300 000 tons of marine finfish with a market value of US 4 billion. . Research Scope Research to improve selection of appropriate species for local conditions and to improve brood stock culture larval and fingerling rearing systems. Research in the development and application of natural feeds for larvae and nursery culture and the reduction of trash fish feeding systems through the use of compound feeds for the grow out phase. Development of sustainable production systems including prevention management and control of disease and identification and mitigation of environmental impacts. . Coverage Main species include grouper cobia Red sea bream and sea bass. 2. INDUSTRY STATISTICS Introduction Vietnam has 3260km of coastline extending from the North to the South and ideal natural conditions for the development of marine aquaculture. Marine finfish aquaculture has developed in the last few decades. Grouper was introduced in the 1980s in the northern of Vietnam and since then has been widely cultured throughout the whole country. Other species such as cobia sea bass Red sea bream milkfish and pompano are cultured sea cage systems and inland earthen ponds. To date marine aquaculture is not a well developed industry. It is small scale depends on natural seed