tailieunhanh - Hardening Apache by Tony Mobily phần 1

Trong suốt cuốn sách này, tác giả giới thiệu nhiều trong những vấn đề bảo mật mà bạn chắc chắn sẽ vấp ngã trên khi sử dụng Apache - và quan trọng nhất, bạn sẽ tìm hiểu làm thế nào để tự bảo vệ mình và máy chủ của bạn. | Team LĨB Hardening Apache by Tony Mobily ISBN 1590593782 Apress 2004 270 pages Throughout this book the author introduces many of the security problems you ll inevitably stumble across when using Apache--and most important you ll learn how to protect yourself and your server. Table of Contents Hardening Apache Foreword Introduction Chapter 1 - Secure Installation and Configuration Chapter 2 - Common Attacks Chapter 3 - Logging Chapter 4 - Cross-Site Scripting Attacks Chapter 5 - Apache Security Modules Chapter 6 - Apache in Jail Chapter 7 - Automating Security Appendix A - Apache Resources Appendix B - HTTP and Apache Appendix C - Chapter Checkpoints Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Listings List of Sidebars Team LĨB Team LiB 1 PREVIOUS I NEXT Back Cover A must-read for any system administrator installing or currently using Apache Hardening Apache shows you exactly what to do to make Apache more secure. Throughout this book renowned author Tony Mobily introduces you to many of the security problems you ll inevitably stumble across when using Apache---and most important you ll learn how to protect yourself and your server. Mobily provides in-depth instruction on the safe installation and configuration of Apache and gives detailed guidance on tightening the security of your existing Apache installation. This comprehensive book covers a wide variety of the most important issues including common attacks logging downloading administration cross-site scripting attacks and web-related RFC details. The book also delves into many of the more advanced system administration techniques including jailing Apache and securing third-party modules. About the Author Tony Mobily - When he is not talking about himself in the third person Tony Mobily is an ordinary human being enjoying his life in the best city in the world Perth western Australia . He is a senior system administrator and security expert and manages the Italian computer magazine Login working daily with .