tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Genetic variation of the pilodyn-girth relationship in Norway spruce (Picea abies L [Karst])*"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế đề tài: "Genetic variation of the pilodyn-girth relationship in Norway spruce (Picea abies L [Karst]). | 1153 Ann Sci For 1996 53 1153-1166 Elsevier INRA Original article Genetic variation of the pilodyn-girth relationship in Norway spruce Picea abies L Karst p Rozenberg H Van de Sype station d amelioration des arbres forestiers Inra-Orléans 45160 Ardon France Received 3 October 1994 accepted 6 May 1996 Summary - Genetic variability in the relationship between pilodyn pin penetration an indirect measure of wood density and stem girth of individual trees was assessed at three levels provenance family half-sib and clone in 15-year-old Norway spruce. The relationship between pilodyn and girth was found to be linear at all three levels but estimated parameters of the linear regression differed among genetic entities at the three genetic levels provenance family and clone. Hence accuracy of models relating wood density to stem growth is increased when using parameters specific to the genetic entity of interest. Nevertheless model parameters for specific genetic entities were moderately correlated with mean values for pilodyn and girth. Therefore and at least at clone level selecting for high girth is a way to select for low intra-clone variability for wood density. spruce pilodyn-girth relationship I genetic variation wood growth Resume - Variabilité génétique de la relation pilodyn-circonference Chez répicéa commun Picea abies L Karst . La variabilité génétique de la relation entre la profondeur de penetration de I aiguille du pilodyn une méthode indirecte de mesure de la densité du bois et la circonference de la tlge a été étudiée aux niveaux provenance famine demi-freres et clone Chez des éplcéas commons âgés de 15 ans. Cette relation peut être décríte de fapon satisfaisante pour tous les genotypes à tous les niveaux par un modèle linéaire simple. Mais II existe des differences significatives entre genotypes pour les paramètres de Cette relation linéaire aux trois niveaux génétlques provenance famine et clone. Done la precision d un modèle décrivant la relation entre .