tailieunhanh - Advanced Database Technology and Design phần 7

máy chủ địa phương, chờ đợi cho đồ thị được lấy từ bất kỳ trang web từ xa các phần khác của các giao dịch liên quan đến chu kỳ có thể thực hiện. Trong ví dụ của chúng tôi, các mảnh vỡ giao dịch cho , thực hiện tại S1 sẽ được tham gia vào một chu kỳ bao gồm một nút EXT. S nguyên nhân này 1 đến liên hệ với 2 S, mà từ đó chờ đợi cho đồ thị cho , có thể được lấy | Distributed Databases 319 local server the waits-for graph is fetched from any remote sites where other parts of the transactions involved in the cycle might be executing. In our example the transaction fragments for and executing at S1 would be involved in a cycle including an EXT node. This causes S1 to contact S2 from which the waits-for graph for and can be fetched. Distributed Commit Once a transaction has completed all its operations the ACID properties require that it be made durable when it commits. In a centralized system ensuring that the commit is atomic amounts to ensuring that all updates are written to log files and that the write operation to disk that marks the transaction as complete is atomic. In distributed transactions there is the additional requirement for a protocol that ensures that all the servers involved in the transaction agree to either all commit or all abort. The basic framework for building such protocols will involve having a coordinator process in the GTM for each set of server processes in the LTMs that are executing the transaction. At some point the coordinator will decide that the transaction should be concluded and will perform the following steps. 1. Ask all servers to vote if they are able to commit the transaction. 2. The servers may vote to commit or to abort. 3. The coordinator commits the transaction only if all servers vote to commit. We next give two protocols that implement this voting procedure in a manner that is to various extents tolerant of failures of servers and the coordinator. Two-Phase Commit The most common protocol for ensuring atomic commitment is two-phase commit 2PC 14 16 which has been implemented in commercial DBMSs such as Sybase 17 and Oracle 18 . It is such a common protocol that its messages make up the OSI application-layer commitment concurrency and recovery CCR protocol. We use these messages to describe the execution of 2PC which involves the following two .