tailieunhanh - Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Influence of marine salts on the localization and accumulation of surfactant in the needles of Pinus halepensis Mill"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp quốc tế, đề tài: "Influence of marine salts on the localization and accumulation of surfactant in the needles of Pinus halepensis Mill. | 921 Ann Sci For 1996 53 921-930 Elsevier INRA Original article Influence of marine salts on the localization and accumulation of surfactant in the needles of Pinus halepensis Mill B Richard1 p Grieu2 PM Badot3 JP Garrec1 1 Unite d ecophysiologie forestiere laboratoire de pollution atmosphérique centre de recherche de Nancy Inra 54280 Champenoux zLaboratoire agronomie et environnement Ensaia-lnra BP 172 54505 Vandoeuvre 3lnstitut des sciences et techniques de I environnement antenne Nord-Franche-Comte laboratoire sciences végétales pole universitaire 4 place Tharradin BP 427 25211 Montbéliard France Received 16 October 1995 accepted 19 December 1995 Summary - To simulate the conditions of polluted sea sprays during storms trees were exposed to a short pollution episode. Two-year-old pines Pinus halepensis Mill were dipped for a short time in a water or saline solution of 35S linear dodecyl benzene sulfonate. The surfactant was absorbed by plants to a greater extent in synthetic sea water than in distilled water. This greater absorption raised the level of pollution in plants growing close to the seashore. The surfactant accumulated mainly in the epicuticular wax of the needles and this accumulation was two times higher when the pollutant was supplied in a saline solution than in distilled water. Rapid alterations to the epicuticular wax structure were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. Pinus halepensis needle cuticular wax surfactant sea water Resume - Influence des seis marins sur la localisation et I accumulation des tensioactifs dans les aiguilles de Pinus halepensis Mill. Afin de simulerdes conditions de pollution paries embruns marins pollués tors de tempêtes les arbres sont exposes à de courts episodes de pollution. Des pins ages de 2 ans Pinus halepensis Mill sont trempés dans une solution saline de P5S dodécyle benzene sulfonate linéaire. Le tensioactif en solution dans I eau de mer est davantage retenu par les plants qu en solution dans I eau .