There are no new taxes on small employers in the law. The health care law does not require any business to provide health insurance for their employees. However, starting in 2014, a large employer may have to pay an assessment if it does not offer affordable insurance and one of its employees gets tax credits to purchase insurance in the Exchange. These assessments do not apply to businesses with less than 50 employees. Large employers that do not offer health benefits coverage at all may be required to pay an assessment of $2,000 per year for each full- time employee, excluding. | G in APPENDIX G GUIDE TO BUSINESS REPORT WRITING PURPOSE OF BUSINESS REPORTS in t ỘI 0 Q_ co co co co Q ỠÌ ự Ỡ5 co co co co co co A business report conveys information to assist in business decision-making. The business report is the medium in which to present this information. Some reports might present the actual solution to solve a business problem other reports might record past business information that is used toward future business planning. More traditional reports such as Business Plans serve to communicate the Business Concept business management model commercial objectives operational procedures and the perceived viability of the enterprise. Many people consider business reports as dry uninteresting documents which take a great deal of time and effort to prepare. The reality is that they are an essential part of doing business and one s ability to be proficient in this area is critical to the ability to pursue commercial success McCarthy 1979 Ronstadt 1984 Thompson 2003c . Although much of the research and analysis that supports the business report is derived from a systematic process the actual preparation of the report is more reliant on art than on a proven business template. Although for most business reports templates are readily available they are only a guide and the reports needs to be developed to best fit their intended application. In order for the reader to have a clear understanding of why a report is written a written purpose theme must exist through the report. This theme could be represented as either a statement or a question. In generating a business report the following steps should be considered Determine the scope purpose of the report Consider the target audience readers Gather and organise the supporting information research Analyse and weigh the supporting information 163 co co co co Q co co Determine the solution findings and or recommendations and co co Determine the report format. G APPENDIX G GUIDE TO BUSINESS REPORT WRITING .