tailieunhanh - 2013 Threats Predictions: MCAFEE

The Handbook of Canadian Consumer markets indicate that 40% of retail book purchases and 70% of retail magazine purchases are "impulse buys". This means that the purchaser did not specifically intend to buy a specific book or magazine when they entered the store. The purchase process is straightforward in that a customer buys the book or magazine off the shelves and takes it away. Customer buying criteria for books and magazines depends on a number of standard variables including price, visual appeal, relevance of subject matter and the customer's reading ability. From the store's perspective, those books and magazines in demand by our customers will be ordered. | Report McAfee An Intel Company 2013 Threats Predictions By McAfee Labs Table of Contents Mobile Threats Malware Big-Scale Attacks Citadel Trojan Zeros In HTML5 Botnets and Spam Crimeware Hacktivism About the Authors About McAfee Labs About McAfee 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 15 15 2 2013 Threats Predictions McAfee Labs collected an immense amount of data on malware vulnerabilities and threats to endpoints networks email and the web in 2012. Using our Global Threat Intelligence we analyzed this data to block these intrusions and reduce the danger to our customers. For more detail read the McAfee Threats Report Third Quarter 2012. 1 Next year we anticipate more of the same Cybercriminals and hacktivists will strengthen and evolve the techniques and tools they use to assault our privacy bank accounts mobile devices businesses organizations and homes. McAfee Labs researchers recently debated the leading threats for the coming year. We foresee an increase in or the introduction of the following threats in 2013 Mobile worms on victims machines that buy malicious apps and steal via tap-and-pay NFC Malware that blocks security updates to mobile phones Mobile phone ransomware kits that allow criminals without programming skills to extort payments Covert and persistent attacks deep within and beneath Windows Rapid development of ways to attack Windows 8 and HTML5 Large-scale attacks like Stuxnet that attempt to destroy infrastructure rather than make money A further narrowing of Zeus-like targeted attacks using the Citadel Trojan making it very difficult for security products to counter Malware that renews a connection even after a botnet has been taken down allowing infections to grow again The snowshoe spamming of legitimate products from many IP addresses spreading out the sources and keeping the unwelcome messages flowing SMS spam from infected phones. What s your mother trying to sell you now Hacking as a Service Anonymous sellers and buyers in underground forums exchange .