Đề thi thử đại học tham khảo dành cho học sinh hệ Trung học phổ thông ôn thi tốt nghiệp và ôn thi đại học - cao đẳng luyện tập và củng cố lại kiến thức đã học | LUYỆN THI TOEIC act ag react verb to act in response to something o re act o How did he react when he heard the news agent noun something which acts or acts upon something else ag ent o The travel agent helped her purchase the tickets. active adjective involving movement moving about o act ive o Joan is an active child. agitate verb to excite to disturb to stir up o agit ate o The washing machine agitates the load of laundry. and audit aur audible adjective can be heard o aud ible o Your voice is barely audible over the sound of the train whistle. auditorium noun a place where one goes to hear something o audit orium o The band played in the school auditorium auricular o aur ic ul ar o The auricular ability of the cat is well-known. am ami amorous adjective loving o amor OUS o The actor played an amorous role. amiable adjective friendly agreeable o ami able o He seems to be an amiable man. amicable adjective friendly o amic able o The two neighbors came to an amicable decision about the fence. anim animal noun a living creature o anim al o A dog is an animal. animate verb to give spirit or support to supply movement o anim ate o The artist animated the cartoon. animosity noun hostility ill will o animos ity o There isn t any animosity between US. ann annu enni annals noun record of events historical records o ann al s o The annals of the organization are kept in notebooks. annual adjective yearly o annu al o She is planning on going to the company s annual meeting. annuity noun money payable yearly o annu ity o Joan is going to invest her annuity in the stock market. anniversary noun the yearly celebration of an event o anni vers ary o John s parents will celebrate their wedding anniversary in April. perrenial adjective enduring persisting for several years o per enn ial o I would like to buy some perrenial plants. auc aug aut author noun one that originates or creates a writer o auth or o Susan met the author of this book. augment verb to increase to add to o aug