tailieunhanh - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P25

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P25:This book is the successor to the SQL Server 2000 Developer’s Guide, which was extremely successful thanks to all of the supportive SQL Server developers who bought that edition of the book. Our first thanks go to all of the people who encouraged us to write another book about Microsoft’s incredible new relational database server: SQL Server 2005. | Appendix SQL Profiler 499 Figure A-5 Query plan diagram displayed on the Trace Properties dialog. This tab will display an area for you to save the extracted Showplan events to either a single .SQLPlan file or separate .SQLPlan files for each event. When the trace is run you can select the Showplan items from the upper portion of the trace window to display the query plan diagram in the lower portion of the window. Figure A-5 shows a query plan diagram. This page intentionally left blank Index References to figures are in italics. A administrative tools 14 ADO 258-260 adding the ADO reference to Visual Basic 263-264 architecture 260-262 batch updates 320-321 closing a Recordset 289-290 Command object 301-305 312-318 Connection object 305-307 connecting to SQL Server 265-281 connecting to SQL Server using a UDL file 276-277 connecting to SQL Server using the Data Link dialog 277-281 connection string keywords 266 data bound Recordsets 295-298 error handling 318-320 finding and bookmarking rows 298-301 forward-only Recordset object 283-289 keyset Recordset object 290-295 modifying data with 307-316 MSDASQL prompt constants 269 and OLE DB 260 opening a connection using the Connection object s properties 274-276 opening a connection with OLE DB Provider for ODBC 265-270 opening a connection with OLE DB Provider for SQL Server 271-273 opening a DSN-less connection with OLE DB Provider for ODBC 270-271 opening a trusted connection using OLE DB Provider for SQL Server 273-274 overview 262-263 Recordset object 281-305 308-312 transactions 322-324 types of cursors 281-282 418 adding references 422-423 AdomdCommand object 427-434 AdomdConnection object 423-426 AdomdDataAdapter object 434-435 AdomdDataReader object 427-430 building BI applications with 421-436 CellSet object 432-434 connection string keywords 425-426 CubeDef object 436 object model 419-421 XMLReader object 431-432 architecture 170-172 173 core classes in 177-182 namespaces 172 .