Giám đốc Sierra County Human Dịch vụ 202 Front Street Loyalton, CA 96118 Tuyên bố chi cho các dịch vụ được cung cấp bởi Sierra Sở Y tế Quận theo các bà mẹ, trẻ em và Chương trình Sức khỏe vị thành niên, Hiệp định số 200546, cho năm tài chính của 01 tháng bảy năm 2005 đến ngày 30 tháng 6 năm 2006, đã được xem xét bởi các Chi nhánh Kiểm toán tài chính | REPORT ON THE LIMITED REVIEW SIERRA COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT LOYALTON CALIFORNIA MATERNAL CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH PROGRAM AGREEMENT NO. 200546 FISCAL YEAR JULY 1 2005 to JUNE 30 2006 Audits Section - Sacramento Financial Audits Branch Audits and Investigations Department of Health Care Services Section Chief Evie Correa Audit Supervisor Jeff Sandman Auditor Bill Potts This is trial version ƠIICS DAVID MAXWELL-JOLLY Director StateoLCalifornia Health_ancLHuman_ServicesAgency Department of Health Care Services ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER Governor APR 21208 Director Sierra County Human Services 202 Front street Loyalton CA 96118 The expenditure claims for services provided by Sierra County Health Department under the Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Program Agreement No. 200546 for the fiscal year July 1 2005 to June 30 2006 have been reviewed by the Financial Audits Branch of the Department of Health Care Services. In addition a limited review was made of the program s management and operational procedures. Except as set forth in the following paragraph our review was made in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards as promulgated by the Comptroller General of the United States. Accordingly our review included such tests of the accounting records and other review procedures as we considered necessary under the circumstances. The financial statements of the County of Sierra for the year ended June 30 2006 were examined by other auditors. The report dated November 15 2006 expressed an unqualified opinion on those statements. The scope of our review was limited to specific contract or program requirements relating to financial compliance and did not include sufficient work to determine whether financial statements present fairly the financial position and the results of the financial operations. We have not duplicated the work performed by the other auditors. As noted in the preceding paragraph the scope of our work was not .
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