Sửa đổi các kết quả trong báo cáo này đã được thực hiện tài liệu hướng dẫn thích hợp và đầy đủ được cung cấp. Trong những trường hợp mà các phiên bản đã được thực hiện, họ đã được thảo luận trong các phần tương ứng của báo cáo này. | Contractor Name Merced County Department of Public Health Contract Number 200524 Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Program Contract Period July 1 2005 through June 30 2006 VIII. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE TO ADJUSTMENTS FINDINGS Subsequent to the exit conference the contractor submitted a response to the findings discussed in this report. A copy of this response is included as Attachment A. Revisions to the findings in this report have been made where appropriate and sufficient documentation was provided. In those cases where revisions have been made they have been discussed in the respective sections of this report. This is trial version Contractor Name Merced County Department ot Public Health Contract Number 200524 Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Program Contract Period July 1 2005 through June 30 2006 IX. STATE PROGRAM RESPONSE TO ADJUSTMENTS FINDINGS A draft copy of this report was submitted to the Maternal and Child Health program for their review prior to the report being finalized and released to the contractor. Subsequent to their review the Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Program submitted a response to the findings discussed in this report. A copy of this response is included as Attachment B. Revisions were made to this report as a result of the state Program s response. The Contract Manager disagreed with the FFP study analysis for the counties program manager in that The Agencies at their discretion can bill down from enhanced matched funding to matched non-enhanced funding. Based on MCAH Fiscal Policies and Procedures FY 07 08 Invoices Section Requirements . Based on this recommendation from MCAH no adjustment is proposed. This is trial version Schedule A Merced County Department of Public Health Maternal Child and Adolescent Health - MCAH Contract No. 200524 Contract Period July 1 2005 through June 30 2006 SUMMARY OF AUDITED CONTRACT EXPENDITURES Budgeted Categories Contract Amount Over Under Expended Total