tailieunhanh - asus eee pc for dummies 2008 phần 6
Một trang web mới mở ra với một loạt các tab trên đầu trang. Nhấp vào tab để hiển thị các tập tin trong thể loại đó. Ví dụ, các tab bằng tay hiển thị các hướng dẫn sử dụng ngôn ngữ người dùng khác nhau cho Eee PC của bạn. Sử dụng hệ thống hộp điều hành danh sách thả xuống (nằm trên các tab) | 176 Part II Day to Day with the Eee PC Figure 10-5 The ASUS support Web site. Download A new Web page opens with a series of tabs across the top. Click the tab to display files in that category. For example the Manual tab displays different language user manuals for your Eee PC. Use the Operating System drop-down list box located above the tabs to display only those files that relate to Linux or Windows XP. This saves you the time of going through a long list of all files. The file list includes the filename version date posted operating system and a description usually quite terse and often not too helpful . Beneath each file different server locations around the world are shown. To download a file select the nearest server right-click and then use the pop-up menu command to save the link to disk. If a server is slow or doesn t respond try another one. FAQ In this section a list of frequently asked questions about your Eee PC model is displayed. When you click a question a new page opens with the question and the reply from ASUS. Use your browser s Back button to return to the FAQ list. Chapter 10 Getting Help 177 E-mail support from ASUS If you can t find an answer to your question after consulting the ASUS support site s references try the company s e-mail support service. At the top of the main Web page click Support in the menu bar and then choose Technical Inquiries. A new page is displayed where you enter which model of Eee PC you own. You are nicely reminded to first check the Download FAQ and Forum sections to see if your question has already been answered. If not at the bottom of the page is a link named Technical Inquiry Form. Click it fill in the form describing your support issue and click Submit. ASUS support staff will be in touch with an e-mail reply. You can specify the number of questions to appear on the page as well as display questions posted within a certain timeframe such as from the last seven days. Just to prepare you some of the questions
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