Compost Tea: A basic product used to build soil structure, add to the organic matter content of the soil and helps hold valuable nutrients in the soil. This tea is made from the leachate of compost and may be the best foliar feeding tool of all. It is not only an effective foliar fertilizer, it has powerful insect ñ and disease ñ control properties. The humic materials and microorganisms in compost tea are effective on many pests. German researchers studied the effects of compost tea, but gardeners have known its beneficial properties for years. Common fungal problems like black. | Wat. Res. Vol. 35 No. 4 pp. 1047 1051 2001 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved __ __. . Printed in Great Britain PII 80043-1354 00 00342-0 Od4X-1354 Oi t -r0efro9tm9tt0r PERGAMON locate watres USE OF FENTON REAGENT TO IMPROVE ORGANIC CHEMICAL BIODEGRADABILITY E. CHAMARRO and s. ESPLUGAS m Departament d Enginyeria Quimica i Universitat de Barcelona C Martí i Eranquès 1 O8O28 MsOcnRva Spain First received 9 November 9999 acceptedinrevised form 15 January 2000 Abstract Fenton reagenthas beenused to Sest the degradaiionof differentorganic compounds formic acid phenol 4-chlorophenol 2 4-dichlorophenol and nitrobenzene in aqueous solution. A stoichiometric coefficient foe On Fexton eeactíoe waa found to de oS hydrogen ecraxide excepcfortheeen e-adwherea ootueof appocximatelyonewooobtainod Oue to thogireot Conrntok n of nerbon dioxidet. The ercatment elirnitatet the tex ti cunnmrao atgincreasae the réeOeịịaadabtHỊp of the created waseg nleaturedascheratib FODs CODg. Bihnntemaaa0rtyisattained whtnihe imdal eompi iinoiorernTtal PtOlEisomesSeienee Lno. dll rich- tesereed it I el 0. e . . .tRRt. geywcds Fimtdgndoaatiadvgdtra oxidetion teedgaiontor AOT INTRODUCTION Water quality regulations arebecoming stricter in the late decades due to an increasing social concern on weieifnioenp. ee oeep meetfetinnFeiT op coieceonie whatendo with we wcim dial rontatd1so1uble aegametompounnethat eeei hher toxic on none eieeegradaoie. Agvaneed oxihmidii teehnetooier oAOT. forwateeenPwattewatet trnotment slow hiod teeaieccy bsl work ata high cnet oo doee i s T o. eomplnoinstailationf and iepcratioii htghee comtimeof eltfigyaltd otrcaoentt . Thit iriaecs dioic promisees O1llyutcdl1whmldlrehca1 tc1 optiens gxipatioh 1cehndldalct Slid Oiffecent sudteraree orveoeown 1dataporeialehemienioxidetionoea ioxicwr1tcwatc1mrxincrca1a itsOioOeoradaihiitynip .