tailieunhanh - Network Security I CSCI 4971 / 6968

Even though PEMis a landmark protocol in the development of secure messag- ing, and is also generally considered to be of sound technical design [29], it did not catch on. This was mainly due to two reasons. First, the message syntax that PEM describes was incompatible with the widely successful MIME message syntax that emerged at the same time [29, p. 156]. Secondly, the public-key management de- scribed by PEM restricted the Certificate structure [9, p. 51]. Namely, it required a top-down Certificate Authority (CA) approach. An entity, the Internet Policy Reg- istration Authority (IPRA), establishes global certification policies by certifying Policy Certification Authorities (PCAs). Each PCA in. | Network Security I CSCI 4971 6968 yener TEACHING Netsec Spring11 Bulent Yener yener@ Lecture-1 1 26 11 This presentation is in part based on the slides of W. Stallings Outline Class information - Network security I and II Background and introduction Basic concepts attacks services mechanisms 2 Aim of the Courses Our focus is on both Network Internet Security and Cryptography NetSec I is focusing on a cryptography and basics NetSec II builds upon Netsec I and covers advance topics.

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