Nhiều người vẫn nghĩ Photoshop là phần mềm xử lý ảnh đầu tiên. Nói cho đúng, Photoshop là phần mềm xử lý ảnh hoàn chỉnh đầu tiên trên máy tính cá nhân. Trước Photoshop, phần mềm Realist trên máy Mac (sau đổi tên thành ImageStudio) có chức năng cắt ghép ảnh nhưng chưa đáp ứng được nhu cầu thiết yếu của những người yêu thích nhiếp ảnh: cải thiện chất lượng ảnh. | Updating the process version Lightroom 3 uses updated technology to demosaic and render digital images resulting in improved Detail adjustments sharpening and noise reduction and vignetting effects. Photos that are edited for the first time in Lightroom 3 use these new processes by default. For a photo that was processed using a previous version of Lightroom the Process Version feature is activated. An exclamation mark icon is displayed to alert you to the fact that an image was edited using older processes you can either leave the photo as it is or take advantage of the latest processing technology by updating the image to the current process version. The process version specifies which version of the Camera Raw demosaic noise reduction sharpening and post-crop vignette functions are applied in rendering the photo. When you update the process version for a photo some characteristics will change more dramatically than others depending on which processes were originally applied to the photo. You may find you need to modify some of the updated adjustments. Even if a photo has no previous sharpening noise reduction or post-crop vignetting demosaicing improvements are applied to all updated images so there will always be some change. 1 If you don t see the Filmstrip press F6 or choose Window Panels Show Filmstrip. In the Filmstrip select the image . 2 In the Navigator panel set the zoom level to Fit. Note the exclamation mark icon that appears at the lower right of the Loupe view indicating that this image has been edited using an older process version. 3 To update the process version choose Settings Update To Current Process 2010 or simply click the Update To Current Process icon in the Loupe view. 4 To apply an older process version choose the version from the Settings Process menu. 202 LESSON 6 Developing and Editing Making discrete color adjustments You can use the controls in the HSL Color B W panel to adjust discrete shades of color in your image .