Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have played an increasingly important role in sensor and actuator applications. And its key contribution is that it has enabled the integration of multi-components (., electronics, mechanics, fluidics and etc) on a single chip and their integration has positive effects upon performance, reliability and cost. Compared to conventional electrostatic, thermal or magnetic actuating schemes, piezoelectric MEMS inkjet has the advantages of lower power consumption, lower voltage operation and relatively larger driving force | MASTER OF SCIENCE SUPERVISOR LEE. JAICHAN Simulation And Fabrication Of Piezoelectric Mems Inkjet Print Head A Thesis Presented by pham van so Department of Materials Science and Engineering Graduate School of SungKynKwan University MASTER OF SCIENCE SUPERVISOR LEE. JAICHAN Simulation And Fabrication Of Piezoelectric Mems inkjet Print Head A Thesis Presented by pham van so Submitted to the Graduate School of SungKynKwan University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in Materials Science and Engineering June 2007 Department of Materials Science and Engineering Graduate School of SungKynKwan University Simulation And Fabrication Of Piezoelectric Mems Inkjet Print Head A Thesis Presented by PHAM VAN SO it was defended on 2007 06 01 and approved by committee of professors Chairman Youngho Han PhD. Member Hoojeong Lee PhD. Supervisor Jaiehan Lee PhD. . June 2007 Department of Materials Science and Engineering Graduate School of SungKynKwan .
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