tailieunhanh - Advances in parasitology global mapping of infectious diseases - part 4

Kriging nguy cơ địa phương của một bệnh hiếm gặp từ một sổ đăng ký chẩn đoán. Phân tích địa lý 26, 168-185. Woodcock, . và Strahler, . (1987). Các yếu tố của quy mô trong remotesensing. Viễn thám 21 Môi trường, 311-332. Zhan, Q., Molenaar, M. và Lucieer, A. (2002). Pixel unmixing ở quy mô subpixel dựa trên xác suất lớp đất bao gồm: áp dụng cho các khu vực đô thị. | 118 . ATKINSON AND . GRAHAM Webster R. Oliver . Muir . and Mann . 1994 . Kriging the local risk of a rare disease from a register of diagnoses. Geographical Analysis 26 168-185. Woodcock . and Strahler . 1987 . The factor of scale in remotesensing. Remote Sensing of Environment 21 311-332. Zhan Q. Molenaar M. and Lucieer A. 2002 . Pixel unmixing at the subpixel scale based on land cover class probabilities application to urban areas. In Uncertainty in Remote Sensing and GIS . Foody and . Atkinson eds pp. 59-76. Wiley Chichester. Determining Global Population Distribution Methods Applications and Data . Balk1 U. Deichmann3 G Yetman1 F. Pozzi1 3 . Hay4 5 and A. Nelson6 1 Center for International Earth Science Information Network CIESIN Columbia University PO Box 1000 Palisades NY 10964 USA Development Research Group World Bank 1818 H Street Washington DC 20433 USA 3 Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore sede di Brescia via dei Musei 41 25121 Brescia Italy 4TALA Research Group Department of Zoology University of Oxford South Parks Road Oxford OXI 3PS UK 5Malaria Public Health Epidemiology Group Centre for Geographic Medicine KEMRI PO Box 43640 00100 Nairobi Kenya 6School of Geography University of Leeds Woodhouse Lane West Yorkshire Leeds LS2 9JT UK JRC Joint Research Centre of the European Commission Global Environment Monitoring Unit TP 440 Via Enrico Fermi 1 I-21020 Ispra VA Italy 1. . Rendering Population on a Global . Institutional 2. Data . . .124 . Gridded Population of the World. . .127 . Global Rural Urban Mapping . Accessibility . Highly Modeled 3. . Adjusting Population Estimates to Target . Limitations of the Ancillary ADVANCES IN PARASITOLOGY VOL 62 ISSN 0065-308X DOI S0065-308X 05 62004-0 Copyright 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights of reproduction in any form .