An Issue that many have had to deal with over the years is how and where to get an inexpensive implement for effective physical training. Now I’m not going to drag you along with a great history of how the Medicine ball was originally used by the military for that exact purpose. What I will tell you is that since then the simple inexpensive Medicine ball has come to cost a small fortune. No longer! Now an inexpensive and durable ball can be manufactured for only a few dollars a little bit of effort and a great . | THE SLAMMER A HOW TO GUIDE TO MAKING YOUR OWN MEDICINE BALLS By Pierre Augé An Issue that many have had to deal with over the years is how and where to get an inexpensive implement for effective physical training. Now I m not going to drag you along with a great history of how the Medicine ball was originally used by the military for that exact purpose. What I will tell you is that since then the simple inexpensive Medicine ball has come to cost a small fortune. No longer Now an inexpensive and durable ball can be manufactured for only a few dollars a little bit of effort and a great deal of patience. These balls are great for anything you would normally do with a Medicine ball however they are ideal for use as a Slam Ball during CrossFit workouts Hence I dub thee SLAMMER For this is what we do with thee. Let s get her done Shopping List Item 1 Get a Ball. I m serious go out and by a cheap though heavy duty rubber basketball. Yep Just like that one. In fact if you spend more then 10 on the ball you are too rich for my blood Item 2 Buy a radial tire puncture plug kit. This item usually comes in packets of 5 plugs. If you purchase 1 kit with the rasp and plunger and another kit with only the plugs than you can make 5 balls with that many plugs. Again yep just like that one These are the most expensive part of the entire package but they happen to be what keeps the whole thing together. And yeah still cheap. Item 3 Buy a funnel. Yes this is a pain because its rare that you can find a funnel that is narrow enough for this application so if you can t find one do as I do. Make one Below is an example of the funnel I used on this particular ball. You will want to cut the clear plastic cap off and pull the extension tube out of it. You will notice in upcoming pictures that I cut the bottom off the container and drained it. Don t forget that if you are going to use an oil container like I did clean and dry it thoroughly before pouring sand through it. Try it you ll figure .