tailieunhanh - Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents: Medical Ethics

Again prosperity seemed assured, when resignations reduced the faculty to four members. Professor Hill resigned to enter .the faculty of the Cleveland Homeopathic College. He was succeeded by Doctor John King, who was then preparing his great work, “The Eclectic Dispensatory.” Doctor I. G. Jones returned to Columbus, to recuperate his health. Doctor Beach's name was dropped from the faculty, and Professors Freeman and Sanders withdrew. Only L. E. Jones, E. S. Newton, John King, and J. E. Buchanan remained as teachers. Now [1852] appeared that eventful publication by King and Newton, “The Eclectic Dispensatory,” afterward, “American Dispensatory.”. | AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS AAFP Reprint No. 279 Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents Medical Ethics This document was endorsed by the American Academy of Family Physicians AAFP the Association of Departments of Family Medicine ADFM the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors AFMRD and the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine STFM and developed in cooperation with the University of Minnesota Methodist Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program. Introduction This Curriculum Guideline defines a recommended training strategy for family medicine residents. Attitudes knowledge and skills that are critical to family medicine should be attained through longitudinal experience that promotes educational competencies defined by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education ACGME http . The curriculum must include structured experience in several specified areas. Most of the resident s knowledge will be gained by caring for ambulatory patients who visit the family medicine center. Structured didactic lectures conferences journal clubs and workshops must be included in the curriculum with an emphasis on outcomes-oriented evidence-based studies that delineate common and chronic diseases affecting patients of all ages. Targeted techniques of health promotion and disease prevention are hallmarks of family medicine. Appropriate referral patterns and provision of cost-effective care should also be part of the curriculum. Program requirements specific to family medicine residencies may be found on the ACGME Web site. Current AAFP Curriculum Guidelines may be found online at http cg. These guidelines are periodically updated and endorsed by the AAFP and in many instances other specialty societies as indicated on each guideline. Each residency program is responsible for its own curriculum. This guideline provides a useful strategy to help residency programs form their curricula for educating family