tailieunhanh - Leadership Processes and Follower Self-Identity phần 4

giám đốc điều hành xây dựng sự hợp nhất nhận được lợi ích to lớn, trong khi nhiều nhân viên cấp thấp hơn bị mất việc làm. Kết quả này tượng trưng cho cá nhân chứ không phải là nhóm định hướng mối quan tâm về một phần của lãnh đạo bởi vì họ nhấn mạnh phân phối chứ không phải là công lý thủ tục và | 3. LEVELANDSELF-CONCEPT 65 from different firms with different cultures. Common identities are required to facilitate cooperation across the many functional areas in a combined organization. Such cooperation is needed to allow technology transfer and joint product development. To create integrated identities leaders must develop strategies to facilitate integration and symbolize a collective- rather than individual-level identity. Unfortunately in the case of Chrysler and Daimler-Benz and many other mergers executives who constructed the merger received huge benefits whereas many lower level employees lost their jobs. Such results symbolize individual- rather than group-oriented concerns on the part of leadership because they emphasize distributive rather than procedural justice and benefits were given to a few individuals but not to all groups. The consequence is that group identities cross-firm coordination and the hoped-for synergy used to justify mergers is then much less likely to occur. One may ask why individual as opposed to collective identities would affect the behavior of individuals in work contexts. There are several answers. First as Kuhnen Hannover and Schubert 2001 showed individual identities foster self-focused context-independent forms of information processing rather than context-oriented ways of processing information that are associated with collective identities. This effect can be understood in terms of Fig. and because the constraints on the WSC arise from individual rather than social values when individual rather than social identities are salient. Thus possibilities for synergy suggested by a new context may be more likely to be missed when individual compared to collective identities are salient after mergers. Also as already noted research shows that behavior is more dependent on individual attitudes and values than on group norms when individual identities are salient Illingworth 2001 Ybarra Trafimow 1998 . Recent research .