tailieunhanh - Handbook of Microbiological Media, Fourth Edition part 183

Handbook of Microbiological Media, Fourth Edition part 183 is an invaluable reference for every medical, veterinary, diagnostic, and academic laboratory, and now in its fourth edition, it is even more complete. This edition carries on the tradition of CRC Press handbook excellence, listing the formulations, methods of preparation, and uses for more than 7000 microbiological media. With 1500 more entries than any previous edition, the handbook includes both classic and modern media used for the identification, cultivation, and maintenance of diverse bacteria, archaea, and fungi | Trichomonas HiVeg Agar Base with Serum and Selective Supplement 1815 Tributyrin HiVeg Agar Base with Tributyrin Composition per liter Plant Yeast Tributyrin glyceryl tributyrate . pH at 25 C Source This medium without tributyrin is available as a premixed powder from HiMedia. Preparation of Medium Add components to distilled deionized water and bring volume to . Add of tributyrin. Mix thoroughly. Gently heat and bring to boiling. Distribute into tubes or flasks. Autoclave for 15 min at 15 psi pressure-121 C. Cool to 45 -50 C. Mix thoroughly. Pour into sterile Petri dishes or leave in tubes. Use For the detection of lipolytic microorganisms. Trichlorophenol Medium Composition per liter Pancreatic digest of Papaic digest of soybean 2 4 pH at 25 C Preparation of Medium Add components to distilled deionized water and bring volume to . Mix thoroughly. Gently heat until dissolved. Distribute into tubes or flasks. Autoclave for 15 min at 15 psi pressure-121 C. Use For the cultivation and maintenance of Arthrobacter species and other microorganisms that can degrade chlorinated phenols. Trichococcus Medium Composition per liter Pancreatic digest of Glucose pH at 25 C Glucose Solution Composition per Preparation of Glucose Solution Add glucose to distilled deionized water and bring volume to . Mix thoroughly. Filter sterilize. Preparation of Medium Add components except glucose solution to distilled deionized water and bring volume to . Mix thoroughly. Autoclave for 15 min at 15 psi pressure-121 C. Aseptically add of sterile glucose solution. Mix thoroughly. Aseptically distribute into sterile tubes or flasks. Use For the cultivation of Trichococcus flocculiformis. Trichomonas HiVeg Agar Base with