tailieunhanh - A–Z of Haematology - part 2

T aneuploid có một số nhiễm sắc thể đó không phải là 46 cũng không phải một nửa cũng không phải nhiều sự hiện diện của thể dị bội 46 của một bản sao của các tế bào với một số nhiễm sắc thể mà không phải là 46 cũng không phải một nửa cũng không nhiều 46 chứng phình động mạch giãn nở cục bộ hình thành mạch máu hình thành một tàu của các mao mạch | antigen 15 ANBE alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase ANCA anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies anergy immunological unresponsiveness to antigenic challenge particularly of T cells aneuploid having a chromosome number that is not 46 nor a multiple nor half of 46 aneuploidy presence of a clone of cells with a number of chromosomes which is not 46 nor a multiple nor half of 46 aneurysm a localized dilation of a blood vessel angiogenesis formation of capillaries and post-capillary venules from preexisting vessels angiogram a radiograph of a blood vessel after contrast medium has been injected angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy AILD an immune disorder characterized by fever lymphadenopathy and hypergammaglobulinaemia in many if not all cases there is an occult T-cell neoplasm angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy-like AILD-like lymphoma a T-cell neoplasm characterized by reactive inflammatory changes in involved lymph nodes and systemic manifestation such as fever and autoimmune disease see Table 11 p. 153 angio-oedema deep mucocutaneous oedema caused by release of inflammatory cytokines not adequately opposed by C1 inhibitor can occur as an inherited or acquired abnormality angioplasty reconstruction or dilation of a vessel usually by minimally invasive methods angular cheilosis angular stomatitis cracks at the corner of the mouth a feature of iron deficiency angular stomatitis cracks at the corner of the mouth a feature of iron deficiency anion a negatively charged ion anisochromasia increased variation of staining from one erythrocyte to another reflecting varying haemoglobinization of erythrocytes anisocytosis increased variation in size from one erythrocyte to another ANK1 a gene gene map locus encoding ankyrin a component of the red cell membrane mutation can result in hereditary spherocytosis ankyrin a protein of the red cell membrane see Fig. 64 p. 199 ANLL acute non-lymphoblastic leukaemia anomaly an abnormality usually inherited or developmental affecting a