nerships, nhưng để bán bạn thường cần phải thực hiện giảm giá và đi đến thị trường thứ cấp (nếu nó thậm chí còn tồn tại). Điều kiện thị trường giao dịch. Tình trạng này là "chất lỏng thị trường trong kinh doanh là dễ dàng bởi vì khối lượng là cao và | LIQUIDITY IN THE MARKET 113 nerships but to sell you usually need to take a discount and go to the secondary market if it even exists . 3. Market trading condition. This condition is the liquid market in which trading is easy because volume is high and any disparity between the number of buyers and sellers is absorbed by stock exchanges or boards. 4. Investment objective. When financial advisors work with clients to define what types of investments they need and want one so-called goal might be stated as maintaining liquidity. This phrase simply means that you do not want to tie up all of your capital so that you cannot get it out without a large loss. For example if you invest in a 30-year bond at a relatively low rate that bond will be discounted as rates climb. That leaves you with a choice accept lower than market rates or sell your bond at a discount. This condition contradicts the stated goal of maintaining liquidity in your portfolio. 5. High trading volume. A market is generally described as being liquid when it is experiencing exceptionally high trading volume. This situation is especially true when even though a lot of trading is going on the market value is not changing significantly. 6. Cash value in the case of sale. The process of liquidity applies when a business or other asset is sold liquidated also meaning converted to cash. In this use liquidity is the current cash value of those assets upon sale. 7. Business working capital. Finally liquidity refers to a company s working capital the funds available to pay current expenses salaries and wages and other overhead . Assets are said to be liquid when they are convertible to cash within one year. These assets also called current assets include cash accounts receivable and inventory at cost. The current assets when compared to current liabilities accounts payable taxes payable and notes payable in the next 12 months define working capital. The assets should exceed liabilities in order for the business