tailieunhanh - a history of money from ad 800 phần 9

đủ để chăm sóc các nhu cầu mở rộng thương mại. Kết luận của họ là rõ ràng. Đó có là hiện tại một dư thừa trong lưu thông giấy của nước này trong đó có triệu chứng rõ ràng nhất là mức giá rất cao của Vàng và bên cạnh nhà nước thấp của Sở Giao dịch Continental, | A HISTORY OF MONEY 241 enough to take care of the expanding needs of trade. Their conclusion was clear. That there is at present an excess in the paper circulation of this country of which the most unequivocal symptom is the very high price of Bullion and next to that the low state of the Continental Exchanges that this excess is to be ascribed to the want of a sufficient check and control in the issues of paper from the Bank of England and originally to the suspension of cash payments which removed the natural and true control. For upon the general view of the subject Your Committee are of opinion that no safe certain and consistently adequate provision against an excess of paper currency however occasional or permanent can be found except in the convertibility of all such paper into specie. Report 66 They therefore .report it to the House as their Opinion That the system of the circulating medium of this country ought to be brought back with as much speed as is compatible with a wise and necessary caution to the original principle of cash payments at the option of the holder of bank paper. Report 68 They also refer to the profits which must have been made by the Bank of England from the operation. The addition of between 4 and 5 million sterling to the paper circulation of this country has doubtless been made at a very small expense to the parties issuing it only about 100 000 having been paid thereupon in stamps to the Revenue . The Bank .had been enabled under the protection of the law which virtually secures them against such demands to create within the last year or 15 months at a very trifling expense and in a manner almost free from all present risk to their respective credits as dealers in paper money issues of that article to the amount of several millions operating in the first instance and in their hands as capital for their own benefit and when used as such by them falling into and in succession mixing itself with the mass of circulation of which the .