[Ngày], Chính phủ Hoa Kỳ, thông qua Tổng công ty Thách thức Thiên niên kỷ (MCC), nhập vào một thỏa thuận nhỏ gọn với (tên nước) để thực hiện một chương trình được đề xuất bởi (tên nước) để thúc đẩy sự tiến bộ của nó để đạt được tăng trưởng kinh tế và giảm nghèo . | STANDARD STATEMENT OF WORK FOR FINANCIAL AUDITS OF ACCOUNTABLE ENTITIES OBJECTIVES AND GENERAL STATEMENT OF WORK AUDIT OF MCC RESOURCES MANAGED BY Accountable Entity MCA country name I. BACKGROUND On date the . Government acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation MCC entered into a compact agreement with country name to implement a program proposed by country name to advance its progress towards achieving economic growth and poverty reduction. Under the compact agreement country name established MCA- country name if another name is given to the Accountable Entity that name should be substituted for MCA- country name throughout this statement of work as the Accountable Entity to manage the implementation of compact activities. Include a brief history of MCA- country name its principal purposes and goals location s of activities to be audited location s of accounting records and management. The purpose of including complete data on MCA- country name and the program s involved is to provide the auditor with all necessary information for them to properly estimate their audit fees. Throughout this document we will refer to the MCA country name as the Accountable Entity. II. TITLE Audit of the Fund Accountability Statement1 or Audit of Financial Statements if the audit includes an audit of the general-purpose financial statements of MCC Resources Managed by MCA country named Under the Agreement between the MCC and the MCA country name for the period from date to date In the case of close-out audits 2 the title must specify that it is a closeout audit as in Close-out Audit of the MCC Resources Managed by country name Under the Compact Agreement between the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the Government of country name for the period from date to date III. OBJECTIVES The objective of this engagement is to conduct a financial audit of the MCC resources managed by MCA- country name under the compact agreement between the Millennium Challenge Corporation .