tailieunhanh - Assessing the Impact of Transport and Energy Infrastructure on Poverty Reduction - Chapter 10

là không thể hỗ trợ kỹ thuật khu vực (RETA) đến địa chỉ đầy đủ các vấn đề về chủ đề đầu tư cơ sở hạ tầng giao thông vận tải và năng lượng và tác động của giảm nghèo. Nó tập trung vào người dùng cuối và dịch vụ vận tải, năng lượng, và về các tác động phân biệt đối với người nghèo khỏi những tác động trên nonpoor. Nó nhìn vào tác động chủ yếu trong một bối cảnh nông thôn, mặc dù nó có trả tiền một số sự chú ý cho người nghèo đô thị,. | Chapter 10 PRIORITIES FOR FUTURE RESEARCH It was not possible for this regional technical assistance RETA to address the full range of issues on the subject of transport and energy infrastructure investments and their impacts on poverty reduction. It focused on the end user of transport and energy services and on distinguishing impacts on the poor from impacts on the nonpoor. It looked at impacts primarily in a rural context although it has paid some attention to the urban poor and to the ways in which the poor use transport and energy services to link urban and rural contexts together. The time frame for the RETA and the extent to which communities in the study areas were already served by transport and energy services made it difficult to use a double-difference design for the field research. Instead the country teams chose to look at differences in household-level access and to focus on subjective perceptions of impacts as well as on objective indicators of change to the extent that the data were available. Within the transport sector the RETA gave greater attention to the impact of recent rural road improvements. However two of the studies looked at the impacts of railway construction and operation and one studied the impact of a private port project while a considerable literature already exists on the subject of rural roads relatively less is known about railway and port and airport projects or the impacts of capacity expansion projects on major highways. With respect to these larger projects it appears that impacts should be separately studied for the construction period and for the period of transport operation. Construction of large projects can provide a short-term stimulus to the local economy through employment and the purchase of local goods and services. To the extent that labor-based techniques are used part of these benefits can be directed to the poor. However labor-based techniques are often inappropriate for large projects. The opportunities for