tailieunhanh - Tài liệu động từ tiếng Pháp - Part II Using Verbs Correctly with Questions, Commands, and Such - Chapter 9

Looking Forward and Back: The Immediate Future and Past - Trong Chương này Hình thành trong tương lai ngay lập tức Hình thành quá khứ ngay lập tức Sử dụng giới từ với động từ trong đến và đi ông hai loại thì trong tương lai là tương lai đơn giản, mà tôi thảo luận trong Chương 15, và tương lai trước mắt, mà tôi nói chuyện trong chương này. Mặc dù hai loại thì trong tương lai có thể được và được sử dụng thay thế cho nhau, bạn sử dụng trong tương lai ngay lập tức thể hiện một. | Chapter 9 Looking Forward and Back The Immediate Future and Past Jn This Chapter Forming the immediate future Forming the immediate past Using prepositions with verbs of coming and going he two types of future tense are the simple future which I discuss in Chapter 15 and the immediate future which I talk about in this chapter. Although the two types of future tenses can be and are used interchangeably you use the immediate future to express something that you re going to do pretty soon in the future as the name indicates. Similarly to the immediate future the immediate past expresses actions that you ve just done. For example I have just taken a test or She has just eaten. In this chapter I show you how to form the immediate future and the immediate past. Creating the Immediate Future Tense In order to form the immediate future conjugate the verb aller to go in the present tense and add the infinitive of a verb of your choice. Because aller is an irregular verb check out the following conjugations in the present tense to refresh your memory. aller to go je vais tu vas il elle on va Now add an infinitive to form the immediate future. The following examples show you how to do it. Je vais lire. I m going to read. Nous allons sortir. We are going to go out. To construct the immediate future with pronominal verbs place the pronominal pronoun which agrees with the subject before the infinitive. Je vais me promener dans le pare. I m going to walk in the park. Elle va se reposer. She is going to rest. 102 Part II Using Verbs Correctly with Questions Commands and Such In order to make the immediate future negative simply place ne before the conjugated aller and pas or any other negative word you want to use after the conjugated verb. Nous n allons pas voyager cet été. We are not going to travel this summer. Now take the time to try it. Work through the following practice problems and conjugate the verb so that the sentence is in the immediate future tense. Q. Je dors. Iam .