tailieunhanh - PHP Developer's Dictionary- P85
PHP Developer's Dictionary- P85:PHP is an open source, server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language used to create dynamically generated Web pages. With an easy-to-use syntax and a large, extensible library of modules, PHP brings together the best of Perl, C++, and other languages. | PHP Developer s Dictionary with the ibase_execute function. The iink_identifier is an open database connection. ibase_execute Syntax int ibase_execute int query int bind args Description The ibase_execute function which is available in PHP through PHP along with PHP and higher executes a previously prepared query. The bind_args parameters represent the variables that should be substituted into the query before executing. To prepare a query for execution use the ibase_query function. ibase_free_query Syntax int ibase_free_query int query Description The ibase_free_query function which is available in PHP through PHP along with PHP and higher frees a query created with the ibase_prepare function. ibase_timefmt Syntax int ibase_timefmt string format int columntype Description The ibase_timefmt function which is available in PHP through PHP along with PHP and higher sets the format for any timestamp date or time type columns returned from a query. Internally the C function strftime is used to do the formatting so it might be helpful to consult its documentation as well. The IT-SC book 420 PHP Developer s Dictionary columntype parameter which was added in PHP can take the values ibase_ timestamp ibase_date and ibase_time and defaults to ibase_timestamp. It is also possible to set the defaults using the configuration directives and . ibase_num_fields Syntax int ibase_num_fields int result id Description The ibase_num_fieids function which is available in PHP through PHP along with PHP and higher returns the number of fields in the result set denoted by resuit_id parameter. Microsoft SQL Server The Microsoft SQL Server functions enable you to access data from a Microsoft SQL Server database. The most commonly used version of MS SQL Server at the time of this writing is 7 but MS SQL 2000 is rapidly gaining in popularity. Note that several .
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