tailieunhanh - ISSAI 1580The International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions, ISSAI, are issued by the

Hướng dẫn kiểm toán tài chính này dựa trên dự thảo tiếp xúc với các tiêu chuẩn Quốc tế về kiểm toán (ISA) 580 (đã chỉnh sửa), "Cơ quan đại diện Văn bản" phát triển bởi kiểm toán quốc tế và đảm bảo tiêu chuẩn Hội đồng quản trị (IAASB) và xuất bản do Liên đoàn Kế toán quốc tế (IFAC) ban hành. ISA đề xuất được bao gồm trong Hướng dẫn này với sự cho phép của IFAC. | able of Contents Background 3 Scope of the ISA 3 CONTENT of the practice Note 3 Applicability of the ISA IN Public Sector auditing 3 Additional guidance on Public Sector issues 4 premise relating to Management s responsibilities on which an Audit is Conducted 4 Management from whom written representations requested 4 OTHER written RepresentationsFel Bokmarket ar inte definierat. Communicating a threshold amount 4 doubt as to the reliability of written representations and requested written representations Not provided 5 Appendix 1 Additional examples for Appendix 2 of ISA 580 REVISED and redrafted Illustrative representation letter 6 This is trial version ISSAI 1580 Practice Note1 3 to Revised and Redrafted International Standard on Auditing 580 -Written Representations Background This Practice Note provides supplementary guidance on Revised and Redrafted ISA 580 - Written Representations. It is read together with the ISA. The Practice Note is effective the same date as the ISA. Scope of the ISA This International Standard on Auditing ISA deals with the auditor s responsibility to obtain written representations from management and where appropriate those charged with governance. Appendix 1 lists other ISAs containing subject-matter specific requirements for written representations. The specific requirements for written representations of other ISAs do not limit the application of this ISA. The ISA is effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15 2009. Content of the Practice Note P1. The Practice Note provides additional guidance for public sector auditors related to a. Premise relating to Management s Responsibilities on which an Audit is Conducted b. Management from whom Written Representations Requested c. Other Written Representations d. Communicating a Threshold Amount e. Doubt as to the Reliability of Written Representations and Requested Written Representations Not Provided f. Additional Examples .