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日本語能力試験 1/22 ページ Powered by 日本語能力試験 authority reserved 日本語能力試験 問題用紙 級 文字・ 文字・語彙 (100点 35分) 点 分 注意 Notes 1.「始め」の合図があるまで、この問題用紙を開け ないでください。 Do not open this question booklet before the test begins. 。 Do not take this question booklet with you after the test. 、受験票と同じよう にはっきりと書いてください。 Write your registration number and name clearly in each box below as written on your test voucher. 、全部で9ページあります。 This question booklet has 9 pages. ①②③.が付いています。 解答は、解答用紙にある同じ番号の解答欄にマー クしてください。 One of the row numbers①、②、③ is given for each. | s fêfê 1 22 Powered by s loffiili authority reserved fflflffitt 2001 3 -S 100 35 ÌM Notes ốtój0 i feã r z0MSfflM t o Do not open this question booklet before the test begins. 2Z0MiMm iim o Do not take this question booklet with you after the test. S è MỈT t 8 M EC 5 líoề-Ụè T Ẻ o Write your registration number and name clearly in each box below as written on your test voucher. HSffl tt. Wr9 - fe ro This question booklet has 9 pages. 5. FMIC li g 0@ @. tfflt tl to l ffi lcfe CS 0 ffllcv- LT ế o One of the row numbers @ - -is given for each question. Mark your answer in the same row of the answersheet. 8 Examinee Registration Number Name -- part 1 -- MO I0ZèíííÌ 9 r o1234 L IÍ U t0 UèO xGƠÍÍUo M1- IZÍÌ H Ê0ra Ẻ Ẻ to 1 . 2. 0 2 .fe 6 4. cfc l 3 . ra 2. Ẻ b 4. tó rai-ụ-Ẻ ii Dffi eM TlM to 1 . l Ộl ề- dề- 2 .g 1. L 2 oL L 3 .tt T T l T http Oriential year 2001 level 3 2006 09 25 H fêfê KB 2 22 ra3- li. BrSll WtooT oW o 1 . s 1. ZẴ 2. ZỘẴ 3. 2 l 4. ZỘẴl 2 .fl 1. fefel 2. Lòl 3. aòl 4. lĩỸl 3 . WoT 1. bt 2. oT 3. toT 4. ot n4- ít 9 Xỉa íto 1 . 1. í ofe 2. Iío 3. I ofe 4. I ũofe 2 . fê 1. Ẵơ 2 . Ẵlơ 3 . Ẵộơ 4 . ơ 3 . Ẵ 1. 2 . Iĩ 3 . t 4 . t ras-MM gỀt0 fêaiLW fo 1 . s 1. lfeẺ 2. lL 5 3. l 9 4. lMÍ 2 . 1. fefe 3. Ii 4. 3 .jg T 1. fe r 2. l r 4. r r 4 . 5ấ 1. ề 2. ề ộ 3. ề 4. ề ộ H6- mife wv ww ufeo 1 . 1. Z z 2. L z 3. 4. 2 . te 1. Ỹzỳ 2. Ỹíí 3. Ỹ 4. Ỹí 3 .M 2. frfc 4. èỤ 4 . M 1. L tfl 2. wtel O ộ RSn_0Zètflia OfroT ộ ê rfro1-2-3-4fr6l tf M lt0 -O bư ẻlo li 1- fc2 2-G M l ỹlt o 1 . 5C 1. m 2 . ffl 3 . 4 . 2 . Ụ ZỘ 1. í íỹ 2 . fỹ 3 . íỹ 4 . fàfí- rai- A-ỹ - Ềfeọfetru ýỀ2 íLfco 1 . fcbofc 1. fêbofc 2 . gbofc 3 . ofc 4 . Mbote 2 . feOto Lte 1. Mto Lte 2 . io iLfc 3 . 4 . ra3-Z0 lfc W . 5005ffllZfcTbH Lfco 1 . zỳ l 1. Ềl 2 . Sl 3 . sv 4 . l 2 . ter H Lte 1. MTbH Lte 2 . T H Lte 3 . féT H Lte
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