tailieunhanh - Learning A Burt of Correct English_9

Xem số nhiều nước ngoài. Chúng ta hãy nhìn vào hai từ này đầu tiên là động từ (làm từ): chủ nhà của tôi đã quyết định tăng tiền thuê. Ông lớn lên thuê một năm trước đây. Ông đã huy động được tiền thuê ba lần trong bốn năm. Các chi phí của tôi RISE tất cả các thời gian. Họ ROSE rất dốc năm ngoái. Họ đã tăng đều đặn trong năm nay. | QUOTATION MARKS quotation marks I can QUOTE the whole poem. quote a verb See INVERTED COMMAS. 146 R radiator not -er radically radical ly radius singular radii or radiuses plural See FOREIGN PLURALS. raise or rise Let us look at these two words first as verbs doing words My landlord has decided to RAISE the rent. He RAISED the rent a year ago. He has RAISED the rent three times in four years. My expenses RISE all the time. They ROSE very steeply last year. They have RISEN steadily this year. Now let us look at them as nouns a raise a rise You should ask your employer for a RISE. You should ask your employer for a RAISE. An increase in salary is called a rise in the UK and a raise in America. raping or rapping rape ing raping rap ing rapping See ADDING ENDINGS i ii . rapt or wrapped RAPT enraptured RAPT in thought WRAPPED enclosed in paper or soft material raspberry not rasberry ratable rateable Both spellings are correct. 147 REALISE REALIZE realise realize Both spellings are correct. really real ly reason reasonable reccomend Wrong spelling. See RECOMMEND. receipt See EI IE SPELLING RULE. receive See EI IE SPELLING RULE. recent or resent RECENT happening not long ago RESENT to feel aggrieved and be indignant recipe recognise recognize recommend Both spellings are correct. recover or re-cover Bear in mind the difference in meaning that the hyphen makes RECOVER get better regain possession RE-COVER to cover again See HYPHENS iv . rediculous Wrong spelling. See RIDICULOUS. refectory not refrectory refer referred referring referee reference See ADDING ENDINGS iv . referee or umpire REFEREE football boxing UMPIRE baseball cricket tennis refrigerator abbreviation fridge regal or royal REGAL fit for a king or queen resembling the behaviour of a king or queen ROYAL having the status of a king or queen or being a member of their family regret regretted regretting regrettable regretful See ADDING ENDINGS iv . .