tailieunhanh - Giáo án anh văn 10 căn bản HKI

Tài liệu giảng dạy về anh văn đã được giảng dạy với mục đích cung cấp cho sinh viên những kiến thức cơ bản nhất, có tính hệ thống liên quan tới tiếng anh. Thông qua tài liệu này giúp các bạn hệ thống lại kiến thức. Chúc các bạn thành công | PPCT Tự CHON MON TIENG ANH 10 CƠ BAN NAM HOC 2006-2007 Hoc kì I Hoc kì II Ca nam -Grammar 3 tiết -Reading 7 tiết -Writing 7 tiết -Grammar 7 tiết -Reading 4 tiết -Writing 5 tiết -Grammar 10 tiết -Reading 11 tiết -Writing 12 tiết Tong cộng 17 tiết Tong cộng 16 tiết Tong cộng 33 tiết HOC KÌ I Tuần Chu đề Nội dung Số tiết Ghi chu 1 Rếading Unit 1 A Day in thế Lifế ộf. 1 2 Writing Writế a narrate 1 3 Grammar PrếSếnt Tếnsếs 1 4 Rếading Unit 2 School Talks 1 5 Grammar Vếrb Forms V-ing Tộ Inf 1 6 Writing Writế about pếộplếA background 1 7 Grammar Past and Future Tếnsếs 1 8 Rếading Unit 4 Spếcial Education 1 9 Writing Writế a lếttếr of complaint 1 10 Rếading Unit 5 Tếchnology and You 1 11 Rếading Unit 6 An Excursion 1 12 Writing Writế a confirmation lếttếr 1 13 Rếading Unit 7 Thế Mass Mếdia 1 14 Writing Writế about Adv Disadvantages 1 15 Rếading Unit 8 Thế Story of My Villagế 1 16 Writing Writế an informal lếttếr -Giving directions 1 17 Writing Fill in a form 1 LESSON 1 READING A DAY IN THE LIFE OF. Aim By the end of the lesson Students will be able to read and talk about daily activities. Teaching aids lesson plan handouts pictures. Procedure T Stages and contents T s activities Ss activities 1 Task 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your daily routine. A What time do you get up go to school have breakfast have lunch have dinner go to school B I usually get up at six. A What do you often do in the morning afternoon evening B I do the housework. Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow. Every morning I get up at six. The first thing I do is to wash my dishes. Then I cooked breakfast. We eat at about seven fifteen. Usually we have bread and butter sometimes we have rice or boiled sweet potatoes. It takes me about ten minutes to walk to school and school begins with an assembly period at seven forty-five. There are fifteen hundred children in our school and so we meet in three assemblies the infant department the middle department and the senior department. We .