tailieunhanh - Towards an Integrated Information Society Policy in South Africa

South Africa’s challenge in the information age is to produce content reflecting the strength of our diverse culture while developing skills and access to access the invaluable resources: knowledge and information. This paper analyses government policy regarding information technology through speeches, policy debate and policy documents in the absence formal policy processes. 0%About the Author/s Leo van Audenhove holds a Master’s Degree in Communication Science from the Free University, Brussels (VUB), and in 2002 he obtained a PhD in the Social Sciences. His thesis was entitled Th. | Free download from Towards an Integrated Information Society Policy in South Africa An overview of Political Rhetoric and Policy Initiatives 1994 - 2000 Leo Van Audenhove HSRC Publishers Free download from Surveys Analyses Modelling and Mapping Research Programme Occasional Paper 1 Series Editor Dr Udesh Pillay Executive Director Surveys Analyses Modelling and Mapping Research Programme Human Sciences Research Council HSRC Published by HSRC Publishers Private Bag X9182 Cape Town 8000 South Africa publishing Human Sciences Research Council 2003 First published 2003 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic mechanical or other means including photocopying and recording or in any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the publishers. ISSN 1726-507X ISBN 0-7969-2023-0 Production by comPress Distributed in South Africa by Blue Weaver Marketing and Distribution PO Box 30370 Tokai Cape Town South Africa 7966. Tel Fax 021 701-7302 email booksales@ Free download from Preface The Surveys Analyses Modelling and Mapping SAMM Research Programme of the Human Sciences Research Council HSRC publishes an Occasional Paper series which is designed to offer timely contributions to debates disseminate research findings and otherwise engage with the broader research community. Authors invite comments and suggestions from .