tailieunhanh - Flight of the Flamingos

Divided into four groups, the participants were asked to create scenarios of what could happen to the country once a Black government took over. Not what they wanted to or feared would happen. But what could. The participants though had one thing in common. They were deeply disaffected by the stalemate and wanted change. | A STUDY ON THE MOBILITY OF R D WORKERS A PROJECT BY THE HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CSIR FOR THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON INNOVATION Michael Kahn William Blankley Rasigan Maharajh Thomas E Pogue Vijay Reddy Gabriel Cele Marissa du Toit Free download from -KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT i RESEARCH PROGRAMME Ố CSIR Free download from Prepared for the National Council on Innovation NACI by the Knowledge Management Group of the Human Sciences Research Council in parnership with CSIR Policy Published by HSRC Publishers Private Bag X9182 Cape Town 8000 South Africa 2004 Human Sciences Research Council First published 2004 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic mechanical or other means including photocopying and recording or in any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the publishers. ISBN 0-7969-2033-8 Cover by FUEL Design Produced by comPress Printed by Paarl Print Distributed in Africa by Blue Weaver Marketing and Distribution PO Box 30370 Tokai Cape Town 7966 South Africa. Tel 27 21-701-4477 Fax 27 21-701-7302 email booksales@ Distributed worldwide except Africa by Independent Publishers Group 814 North Franklin Street Chicago IL 60610 USA. To order call toll-free 1-800-888-4741 All other inquiries Tel 1 312-337-0747 Fax 1 3i2-337-5985 email Frontdesk@ Contents Foreword vii Preface viii Acknowledgements x Executive summary xi Abbreviations xix Charter 1 Introduction 1 The context of the study 1 Terms of reference 4 Objectives 5 Components of the report 5 Charter 2 Framework for understanding MOBiLiTy AMONG R D workers 7 Introduction 7 Theoretical orientation 7 Policy 9 Methodology 24 Charter Africa s 3 QuANTifyiNG the MOBiLiTy of South R D workers 27 Introduction 27 South .