tailieunhanh - Writing your doctoral dissertation - part 26

Tham khảo tài liệu 'writing your doctoral dissertation - part 26', ngoại ngữ, kỹ năng viết tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Analyzing and interpreting your data interpretation are two sides of one coin or reciprocal processes each leading to the other. It is your responsibility from your in-depth familiarity with your data to represent your data honestly and appropriately. The more support you can provide the more likely your readers will be to concur with your analysis. Figure graphically represents a cyclical process integral to the writing of your dissertation. Ultimately there is a point at which you say Enough I know what I ve found. That s when you re ready to write the final draft of your findings. Figure A schematic representation of the typical recursive process in writing a dissertation 125 13 Presenting Your Findings Drafting and Editing Your Dissertation Towards the completion of it all it seemed that a new world had opened up to me. I found that exhilarating. The accomplishment of completing a rigorous academic effort is quite uplifting. You are now ready to write up your findings in a polished state for public scrutiny. And scrutiny is the operative term. Expect that each of your findings will be subjected to intensive study. You will initially draft some organizational strategies projecting the potential contents of sections of your chapters. You will place in these sections all the relevant materials you have collected and analyzed. At first this will probably involve creating numerous files with scraps of papers notes transcripts test scores etc. Eventually you will distill this amalgam of papers identifying the most important issues and highlighting these in your presentation. You will constantly revise these as you proceed in presenting your findings. In actuality you are probably discovering what you found concurrent with writing this section. Once a first draft is completed you will be in a better position to revise your text helping your readers to understand what you now know you have discovered. Your chair may work with you in this process or more .