tailieunhanh - The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_10

Cảm giác thoải mái hơn bằng cách cho phép nắm tay đi và mở rộng các ngón tay của bạn đạt được là một ví dụ về làm thế nào bạn có thể tập trung vào bất kỳ nhóm cơ bắp trong cơ thể của bạn để giải toả căng thẳng. Thắt chặt và phát hành tất cả các cơ bắp trên cơ thể (đầu đến chân) 2-3 lần một ngày sẽ cung cấp cứu trợ rất cần thiết từ sự căng thẳng. | 134 Save Your Brain Now slowly release your fingers extending them and notice how the tension leaves your fingers. The more relaxed feeling achieved by letting the fist go and extending your fingers is an example of how you can focus on any muscle group in your body to release stress. Tightening and releasing muscles all over your body head to toe two to three times a day will provide much-needed relief from tension. At the end of the exercise you will notice that energy in the form of stress has left you and you will feel better Brain Health Tip Practice progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises two to three times daily. Turning inward will help your brain escape temporarily the stress-filled and unenriched environments of life. Spirituality at Home You will benefit from slowing down relaxation and developing inner balance and practicing at home would probably be your best bet. Like everyone else you and your family are hurried and many times neglect to take a moment of reflection. Make your home an escape where you can engage with reflective meditation and spirituality. Chronic stress builds up from a hurried environment and can do structural and functional damage to our brains. Spirituality offers some practical methods to slow down. Here are some ways you can explore spirituality at home to promote brain health Critical Area 4 Spirituality 135 Create a space for yourself at home either designating a specific room or a specific area of your home office or living room as a place to meditate pray or practice breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. Allotting a specific area makes you more likely to practice reflective meditation and spirituality on a daily basis. Create a special time whether it s for ten or fifteen minutes a day to just sit in silence away from technology with the goal of slowing down. You can take this block of time to meditate pray or reflect. You could even take a walk in the park or around the block go on a short bike .