tailieunhanh - The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_8

Bộ não con người tìm kiếm kích thích bất kể tuổi tác, và sự kích thích này có thể bắt đầu trong bụng mẹ. Như chúng ta đã học được, bộ não được kích thích từ môi trường làm giàu, giúp tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho phát triển dự trữ của não, các thuật ngữ được sử dụng để mô tả sự phát triển của não bộ của các sợi nhánh và tương tác tế bào não. | This page intentionally left blank 7 Critical Area 3 Mental Stimulation How brilliant is a system that can create something that was not there a second before 7 Perhaps the most obvious lifestyle factor affecting brain health is mental stimulation. The human brain seeks stimulation regardless of age and this stimulation likely begins in the womb. As we ve learned the brain gets stimuli from enriched environments which helps to facilitate development of brain reserve the term used to describe the brain s development of dendrites and brain cell interaction. Brain reserve helps your brain to delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer s so the more you have the more likely your mind is to stay young and sharp. Ultimately environmental input can shape the structure and function of your brain across your entire life span which is why it s important to 105 106 Save Your Brain create environments for yourself that optimize the development of brain reserve. Mental stimulation is critical to the development and health of the human brain. Cognitive stimulation of the brain begins in the womb and continues to have tremendous healthpromoting value until you die. How does an enriched environment promote mental stimulation through novel and complex stimuli Creativity and innovation are two critical thought processes to promote in any setting dedicated to brain health. Albert Einstein often asserted that a less structured environment best unleashes the imagination and creativity of the brain. Unfortunately our traditional environments such as school and work tend to adhere to a highly structured and programmatic approach to life. We need to be able to think more creatively and approach the same problems of life with increased imagination. The human brain can be stimulated using many different types of information and stimuli though novelty and complexity remain necessary ingredients for any stimulus to be considered to promote brain health. .