We predict that in 2019, Medi-Cal coverage will increase by to million (under the base and enhanced scenarios, respectively). Enrollment in Healthy Families will decline slightly as older children under 133 percent FPL will now qualify for Medi-Cal. An estimated to million will be enrolled in the Exchange with subsidies, while to million will remain in the non-group market or be enrolled in the Exchange without Finally, the number of uninsured will decline by to million people, leaving to million Californians without coverage. Of the remaining uninsured, about million will not be eligible for subsidies or to purchase insurance in the. | CREATING A SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT FOR ELDERLY WITH CHRONIC ILLNESS Paper presented by Dr. Ho Po Ying Amy The Hong Kong Polytechnic University at the plenary session of the Healthy Ageing Convention on May 19 2001 Hong Kong The need for a supportive environment Supportive environments both physical and social are not only key determinants of health but also essential conditions for healthy ageing. The World Health Organization defines health broadly as a person s physical psychological and social well-being. The notion of healthy age denotes a change in the perception of ageing from the preoccupation with illness management to the promotion of conditions that support health. Indeed the determinants of health include not only biological endowment and individual behaviors but also physical and social environments Beckingham DuGas 1993 Roemer 1985 . Indeed the lack of social support the decline in traditional caring by family members environmental pollution and deprived living conditions are factors contributing to poor health status of the elderly World Health Organization 1998 . While healthy ageing is a universal goal for our elderly citizens a supportive environment which ameliorates environmental hazards is essential for health maintenance and promotion among elderly with chronic illness. In Hong Kong about 75 of the elderly population suffer from one or more chronic illness such as diabetes mellitus hypertension and osteoporosis Health and Welfare Bureau 2000 . Chronic illness is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity among the elderly and hence has a direct bearing on quality of life as well as on the costs of health care. Local studies have shown the adverse effect of chronic illness on the health status and social functioning of our senior citizens Chan Leung 1995 Chi Lee 1989 . The prevalence of chronic illness among our elderly citizens also has serious implications for health care costs in Hong Kong. The elderly in Hong Kong consume a great .