tailieunhanh - Socioeconomic position and health in a population of Brazilian elderly: the Bambuí Health and Aging Study (BHAS)

Living arrangements, particularly overcrowded conditions and a lack of privacy, have been associated with conflict within families. Although abuse can occur when the abuser and the older person suffering abuse live apart, the older person is more at risk when living with the caregiver. The early theories on the subject also sought to associate dependency with increased risk of abuse. At first the emphasis focused on the dependency of the victim on the caregiver or abuser, though later case work identified abusers who were dependent on the older person – usually adult children dependent on elderly parents for housing and financial assistance (32). In some of these cases a ‘‘web of interdependency’’ was evident. | Socioeconomic position and health in a population of Brazilian elderly the Bambuí Health and Aging Study BHAS Maria Fernanda Lima-Costa 1 Sandhi M. Barreto 1 Joselia O. A. Firmo 1 and Elizabeth Uchoa1 ABSTRACT Objective. Despite the vast scientific literature on the social determinants of health there is still a debate on the extent to which this relationship remains in old age. The objective of this study was to examine the association between socioeconomic circumstances and health among older adults in a small town in Brazil. Methods. The study was carried out in Bambuí a town of around 15 000 inhabitants that is toociied m the east oeMinM Gerais whKh is in smit sst ern Brezil. Brom 1 177 nsidents aged 65 years Oh rider r 070 of them were ieServirwed crnd oan were exrner ined physical measurements and blood tests . Those in the lowest third of the distribution of total household monthly income with an income of less than US 2f0 per month were compared with those who had an income above that level. Results. Lower family income was independently associated with 1 some lifestyle risk factors less consumption of fresh fruits or vegetables and less frequent exercise during leisure time in the preceding 30 days 2 several indicators of worse health status General Health Questionnaire score self-rated health self-rated visual acuity level of difficulty in walking 300 meters inability to perform routine activities because of a health problem in the preceding 2 weeks and seropositivity for Trypanosoma cruzi 3 a higher number of nonprescribed medications used in the preceding 3 months and f a higher number of hospitalizations in the preceding 12 months. Obesity was more frequent in the higher-income group. Conclusions. The results of this study do not confirm observations in some developed countries of a lack of association between socioeconomic status and health among the aged. Our results showed that a small difference in monthly family income was .