tailieunhanh - Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics

Modern physics is confronted with a large variety of complex spatial structures; almost every research group in physics is working with spatial data. Pattern formation in chemical reactions, mesoscopic phases of complex fluids such as liquid crystals or microemulsions, fluid structures on planar substrates (well-known as water droplets on a window glass), or the large-scale distribution of galaxies in the universe are only a few prominent examples where spatial structures are relevant for the understanding of physical phenomena | Lecture Notes in Physics Editorial Board R. Beig Wien Austria J. Ehlers Potsdam Germany U. Frisch Nice France K. Hepp Zurich Switzerland W. Hillebrandt Garching Germany D. Imboden Zurich Switzerland R. L. Jaffe Cambridge MA USA R. Kippenhahn Gottingen Germany R. Lipowsky Golm Germany H. v. Lohneysen Karlsruhe Germany I. Ojima Kyoto Japan H. A. Weidenmuo ller Heidelberg Germany J. Wess Muo nchen Germany J. Zittartz Koo ln Germany Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong London Milan Paris Singapore Tokyo Physics and Astronomy ONLINE LIBRARY http phys The Editorial Policy for Proceedings The series Lecture Notes in Physics reports new developments in physical research and teaching - quickly informally and at a high level. The proceedings to be considered for publication in this series should be limited to only a few areas of research and these should be closely related to each other. The contributions should be of a high standard and should avoid lengthy redraftings of papers already published or about to be published elsewhere. As a whole the proceedings should aim for a balanced presentation of the theme of the conference including a description of the techniques used and enough motivation for a broad readership. It should not be assumed that the published proceedings must reflect the conference in its entirety. A listing or abstracts of papers presented at the meeting but not included in the proceedings could be added as an appendix. When applying for publication in the series Lecture Notes in Physics the volume s editor s should submit sufficient material to enable the series editors and their referees to make a fairly accurate evaluation . a complete list of speakers and titles of papers to be presented and abstracts . If based on this information the proceedings are tentatively accepted the volume s editor s whose name s will appear on the title pages should select the papers suitable for publication and have them refereed as .