The ovaries stop releasing eggs (ova), and menstrual periods stop (Menopause). Most women experience menopause around age of 45 to 50. Prior to menopause, menstrual cycles often become irregular. The vaginal walls become less elastic, thinner, and less rigid. The vagina becomes shorter. Secretions become scant and watery. The external genital tissue decreases and thins (atrophy of the labia). A woman may experience changes in her sex drive (libido) and her sexual response may change, but aging does not prevent a woman from being able to have or enjoy sexual relationships. The pubic muscles lose tone, and the vagina, uterus, or. | Occupation in Lifestyle Redesign The Well Elderly Study Occupational Therapy Program Jeanne Jackson Mike Carlson Deborah Mandel Ruth Zemke Florence Clark Key Words occupational science preventive health services community This article describes an innovative preventive occupational therapy intervention for well older adults the Well Elderly Treatment Program. In a previously reported large-scale randomized effectiveness study this intervention was found to be highly successful in enhancing the physical and mental health occupational functioning and life satisfaction of multicultural community-dwelling elders. In this article the philosophical background manner of development topical content methods of program delivery and mechanisms underlying the programs positive effects are discussed along with implications for occupational therapy practice. The treatment was based on application of occupational science theory and research and emphasized the therapeutic process of lifestyle redesign in enabling the participants to actively and strategically select an individualized pattern of personally satisfying and healthpromoting occupations. The wide-ranging effectiveness of the program supports the occupational therapy professions emphasis on occupation in affecting health and positions practitioners to extend their services to the realm of preventive interventions. Jeanne Jackson PhD OTR is Assistant Professor Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy University of Southern California 1540 Alcazar CHP-133 Los Angeles California 90032. Mike Carlson PhD is Research Associate Professor Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy University of Southern California Los Angeles California. Deborah Mandel MA OTR is Instructor and Doctoral Student Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy University of Southern California Los Angeles California. Ruth Zemke PhD OTR FAOTA is Professor Department of Occupational Science and .