TÓM TẮT CÁC CHÍNH SÁCH KẾ TOÁN CHỦ YẾU (Tiếp theo) C. Đo lường Focus, Cơ sở kế toán, và trình bày Báo cáo tài chính (Tiếp theo) Giáo dục (Tiếp theo) Mini tài trợ - Cung cấp kinh phí để tăng thành tích học sinh học tập bằng cách đánh giá giáo viên và chất lượng chủ yếu và hỗ trợ các nỗ lực cải cách nhằm mục đích cải thiện giáo dục | CALHOUN GREENE JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION 40 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Continued c. Measurement Focus Basis of Accounting and Financial statement Presentation Continued Education Continued Mini Grants - Provides funds to increase student academic achievement by evaluating teacher and principal quality and to support reform efforts aimed at improving education. This fund includes the following programs Title II - Teacher Quality 09-4932-00 and Title IV - Safe and Drug Free Schools 09-4400-00 . Regional Safe Schools - Enrolls at-risk students who are eligible for suspension or expulsion from their home school districts. The purpose of the program is to keep students on track academically while providing them with the strategies necessary for improving their pro-social skills. This fund receives Regional Safe Schools State Aid which is General State Aid from the Illinois State Board of Education based on the average daily attendance at the Safe School. Adult Education - Performance - Enhances the educational opportunities for Adult Education students by empowering them through responsible learning experiences. Adult Education - state Basic - Used to empower learners by raising their awareness of the importance of education and training through increasing their learning skills their knowledge of themselves their relationship to their communities and their workplace awareness. Adult Education - Public Assistance - Increases students learning potential with the intent that they will raise their skills to become more employable and find regular employment thereby removing them from the public aid rolls. National School Lunch - Used to account for the monies received from students and federal funds for reimbursement for meals served through the school lunch program at the regular price as well as reimbursement of free and reduced-price meals for students enrolled in the Regional Safe Schools .