tailieunhanh - Multi-Robot Systems From Swarms to Intelligent Automata - Parker et al (Eds) Part 5

Tham khảo tài liệu 'multi-robot systems from swarms to intelligent automata - parker et al (eds) part 5', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 76 Gerkey et al. Figure 4. In color where available . An example of small-team coordination taken from a test in which 5 robots cleared a large building. As part of a 2-robot plan the robot that is initially in the lower right corner moves up and left to block the central open area so the robot that another robot can move left and keep searching. Parallel Stochastic Hill-Climbing with Small Teams 77 a b Figure 5. Comparison of Parish and A in planning pursuit strategies in various environments. Shown in a is the number of nodes expanded during the search and in b is the length of the solution found smaller is better in both cases . Results for Parish which is stochastic show the experimental mean and standard deviation computed from 100 runs in each environment. TOWARD VERSATILITY OF MULTI-ROBOT SYSTEMS Colin Cherry and Hong Zhang Department of Computing Science University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2E8 colinc zhang @ Abstract This paper provides anecdotal evidence that the group behavior exhibited by a collective of robots under reactive control is as much due to the design of their internal behaviors as to the external conditions imposed by the environment in which the robot collective operate. Our argument is advanced through the examination of a set of well-known collective robotics tasks that involve in one form or another the movement of materials namely foraging transport and construction. We demonstrate that these seemingly different tasks can all be achieved by one controller that employs behaviors identical across the task domains but parameterized with a couple of task-specific constants. The implementation of the study is conducted with the help of the TeamBots robot simulator. 1. Introduction Collective robotics is concerned with the use of multiple robots for the performance of tasks that are inefficient difficult or impossible by robot singletons Balch and Parker 2002 . A dominant and successful design approach to .