tailieunhanh - Advances in Modern Woven Fabrics Technology Part 7

Tham khảo tài liệu 'advances in modern woven fabrics technology part 7', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 6 Functional Design of the Woven Filters Cioară Lucica and Cioară Ioan Technical University Gheorghe Asachi Tassy Faculty of Textiles and Leather Engineering România 1. Introduction The filtration process implies the physical separation of one or more components of a fluid that passes through or over a barrier which is permeable to only one or some of the fluid components. Therefore the fundamental element of the filtration process is the barrier which is permeable to only a part of the suspension or the solution applied to filtration. This barrier is named filter medium and the mechanical structure used to support it is named filter. The statement the heart of any filter is the filter medium is fully justified. The most ingenious filter is useless if does not have an adequate filter medium. A specific shape of a filter can use a wide variety of filter mediums to do the same or different separation. Function of their purpose filtration processes are used to separate solid - gas solid - liquid liquid - liquid or solid - solid mixtures. Solid - gas separation domain is represented mainly by air filters also including gas processing. Solid - liquid separation is the usual area of mechanical filters from which a relevant part is the inertial separators. Liquid - liquid and solid - solid separations are complex and specialized areas of filters or separators typology. Industrial installations frequently use as filtration media technical textiles obtained by weaving . woven filters Adanur 1995 Harracks Anand 2000 . To respond to imposed exigencies by the use in industrial installations the fabrics utilized as filter media must comply with a wide range of demands which are for the most part determined by the fabrics own structural characteristics and partially by the fabric finishing methods Marchiậ et al. 1991 Cioară et al. 1991 2001 . Among these requirements the following are mentioned - high filtration capacity high degree of filtered elements .