tailieunhanh - Free English Work- & Textbook 9

Tham khảo tài liệu 'free english work- & textbook 9', ngoại ngữ, anh ngữ phổ thông phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Free English Work- Textbook on Lesson Atthe Restaurant 9 photo Paha_L - FOTOLIA Dialogue 9 Brian Oh take a look at the menu Linda Great I will take the fish And you Brian I will probably order the fish too. I do not know yet Linda Let us talk a little bit about your future What are your plans Brian I am going to become a doctor. Linda Great And what are you going to do after that Brian Afterwards I am going to work in a hospital in England. Linda And are you going to stay in London Brian Perhaps I will go back to Germany. Only time will tell. I would like to have family. Linda Really Brian Yeah why not Hahahaha. And you Linda If you like then I will tell you now about my feelings and plans Brian I would like to hear them Tell me. Linda If I had the chance to do everything again I would just do it again. But if I had studied I would have studied medicine or law. If I stay here in London I will marry a nice young man. If I had the choice we would have a big family. Brian You are very honest and open that is great. c 2006 by Mag. Schaller Salzburg 27 Get the free monthly lessons on Free English Work- Textbook on Linda If I say something I always mean it. Brian And if I listen I can always keep a secret. Linda I hope so Because if you couldn t I would tear your head off. Hahahaha. Brian But before that you would kiss me if I asked you Linda If you hadn t just said that I probably would have Hahaha. Oh look the waiter is coming Brian We would like the fish and the best wine you have Grammar 9 A Future Tense will Singular Plural 1. I will play 1. We will play 2. You will play 2. You will play 3. He will play she will play it will play 3. They will play Grammar 9 B Future Tense going to s Singular Plural 1. I am going to play 1. We are going to play 2. You are going to play 2. You are going to play 3. He is going to play she is going to play it is going to play 3. They are going to