An effective budget should enable you to monitor progress at each phase and to identify precisely when and why actual expenses vary from your estimate. Thus, your budget cannot be constructed on an overall project basis; it needs to be broken down by phase. All of the budget elements—labor, fixed expenses, and variable expenses—will vary according to the demands of each phase. Some phases will move along relatively quickly and will require minimal team involvement and little or no expense. Others will run to many hours, involve the use of internal and external resources and facilities, and need more detailed monitoring. To identify problems expressed as budget. | Project Wizards MERLIN flhe Quick Start Guide to professional project management 2012 Projectwizards GmbH Melle Germany. All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION Welcome to the quick start guide to Merlin Thank you for choosing the leading software solution for project management on the Mac. This document will introduce you to the basic functionality of Merlin. System requirements To run Merlin you need an Apple Macintosh computer with G4 processor and Mac OS X or newer. We highly recommend the latest version of Mac OS X Merlin Free Trial The free trial of Merlin allows you to try it out for an unlimited period of time. This is a fully-functional version that supports projects containing no more than 40 activities. For projects consisting of more than 40 activities certain functionality is disabled such as saving printing exporting and publishing a project. Merlin Quick Guide. 2012 Projectwizards GmbH Melle Germany. All rights reserved. 2 HELP AND SUPPORT For assistance and support please visit our website We also invite you to take advantage of these additional support resources Merlin 2 help Google groups in English and German Movies on YouTube Or contact our support team directly en-support@ Merlin Quick Guide. 2012 Projectwizards GmbH Melle Germany. All rights reserved.
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